Go away! 5 things to know about Jackson 'no-knock' laws

Knocking on residents' doors could land solicitors in jail for 30 days.

Mike Davis

JACKSON — Much to the delight of fed-up homeowners, sweeping changes to the township’s “no-knock” ordinance were adopted Tuesday night and will soon become law.

The ordinance was modeled after a similar law passed in Toms River last month, inspired by persistent door-to-door solicitors, often real estate agents who reportedly pestered homeowners in trying to persuade them to sell their home.

Residents have reported bullying behavior, including refusing to leave the property, returning multiple times each week and, in extreme cases, peering over fences and into windows.

“The intention of this ordinance is to preserve the privacy, safety and sanctity of our residents’ homes and to ensure that those who violated it would be dealt significant consequences,” Council President Barry Calogero said.

Here are the five most important questions to ask when it comes to the no-knock laws in Jackson.

1. How do I stop solicitors from knocking on my door?

The easiest and most effective way is to sign up for the township’s no-knock registry, a list of addresses – not names -- provided to each solicitor seeking a permit in the township.

Homeowners will also receive a decal that should be displayed in a front window or by the door. If a solicitor accidentally visits a no-knock home, the sticker will remind them to stay away.

“There’s 400 people on the no-knock list. Tell people about it so it can grow,” Council Vice President Scott Martin said. ‘We want to make sure everyone in town is aware of what’s going on.”

2. Does this ordinance specifically target Orthodox Jews?

No. The ordinance covers all for-profit companies interested in door-to-door canvassing, from plumbers and contractors to real estate agents.

A number of residents have identified the solicitors as Orthodox Jewish men from the growing Lakewood community. As the Lakewood population has boomed, scores of New Yorkers have moved to the area – including Jackson – to be closer to Jewish amenities, such as religious services, schools and Kosher grocery stores.

“The concerns are moreso about the intrusion of privacy by these [real estate solicitors]. Coincidentally, the majority of the ones they talk about happen to be of that persuasion, but that's not the intention of the no-knock ordinance,” Calogero said.

3. Who is permitted to go door-to-door?

Municipal clerk Ann Marie Eden has approved 11 solicitation permits so far this year, public records that are on file.

Though officials are concerned it would create a burden for the clerk’s office, residents on Tuesday night pleaded for an online list of permitted solicitors.

“My 14-year-old daughter comes home by herself sometimes. I want to look online and see if they’re hitting my street,” Evergreen Court resident Rae Anne Walker said.

4. I’m on the no-knock list. What happens if they knock?

The first step is to report the violation, Councilman Rob Nixon said.

“Please don’t hesitate to bring it to the township’s attention. That list needs to be enforced. This ordinance is just a useless piece of paper unless the residents report it,” he said.

From there, the township will take over enforcement of the law. The violator can be slapped with fines up to $1,250 for visiting a home on the no-knock list. In rare, extreme cases, the violator could be sentenced to a maximum of 30 days in county jail.

5. Can I still promote a political or religious campaign?

Yes. The no-knock laws do not replace the First Amendment. Canvassing for petition signatures or donations to a nonprofit cause are still allowed.

Mike Davis: 732-643-4223